Protected area support (provided by the Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria and the federal province of Lower Austria) aims at protecting, conserving and promoting the special landscape and has been taking place over the last few years. This needs people on the ground. The goal is to win over the local population, above all the next generation, for this “wildly romantic corner of the world”.
In order to boost environmental awareness and conserve the biological diversity and ecosystems, prior knowledge of their existence and how they function is required. Only what is appreciated and liked will be conserved. That’s why excursions for the local population and campaigns involving schools are offered; targeted public relations work is also done on specific issues (e.g. gravel breeders are put at risk by bathing visitors). Committed people with an understanding for the natural treasures on the doorstep – that is the goal. This requires the transfer of knowledge about and sensitisation for certain species and habitats.
Discussed in the project selection committee: 17.09.2018
Project promoter: Marktgemeinde Hafnerbach
Funding level: 80%
Project duration: 01.11.2018 – 31.05.2020
Supported by the federal government, the federal province and the European Union (LEADER).