
Der Kultur- und Tourismusverein Hafnerbach und die Gemeinde Hafnerbach haben sich ein großes Ziel gesetzt: Im Erdgeschoss der Volksschule Hafnerbach entsteht das neue Forum.Hafnerbach, ein offener Raum und ein Kommunikationszentrum für den Ort und darüber hinaus.
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Volunteers pflegen die Felsenböschung im Meditationsgarten der Kartause Aggsbach © Welterbegemeinden Wachau/Elisa Besenbäck

World Heritage Volunteers Wachau-Middle Rhine

Since 2004, an intensive exchange has been taking place between the two World Heritage cultural landscapes of the Wachau in Austria and the Upper Middle Rhine Valley in Germany. The cooperation should now be further intensified by a joint volunteer camp with a focus on caring for the cultural landscape.
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Altes Posthaus in Melk

Die im historischen Stadtkern von Melk befindliche Liegenschaft ist in die Jahre gekommen. Die Nutzung der Räumlichkeiten ist nur mit großen Einschränkungen möglich. Eine Machbarkeitsstudie soll den Grundstein für eine Generalsanierung legen.
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© pixabay, Naturpark Jauerling-Wachau, Weinfranz

Juni war Klima-Monat: Webinare zum Nachschauen

Immer montags zur Primetime organisierte die KLAR!-Region Wachau-Dunkelsteinerwald-Jauerling vier Webinare zu den Themen Acker und Humusaufbau, ökologische Waldbewirtschaftung, klimafitte Gärten und Klimawandelanpassung im Tourismus. Die Video-Aufzeichnungen und Zusatzinformationen sind nun online abrufbar.
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© Christian Jansky

Wachau Zones: Spitz

Building in a World Heritage site is a topical issue. Historic settlement areas often present difficult challenges for municipalities and owners. With the help of the Wachau Zones, development plans are elaborated which simplify dealing with historic buildings in line with World Heritage requirements.
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The Fourth Wall – Seekopf Lookout Tower

The Seekopf and the Hirschwand belong to the World Heritage Trail and together form a popular excursion destination that is highly rated by hikers. A lookout tower affords a phenomenal 360-degree view. The prior existing tower was already over 25 years old and was showing signs of rotting, so it had to be demolished for safety reasons. The association "Jankerlklub Rossatz" and the market municipality of Rossatz-Arnsdorf worked on the construction of a new tower in order to continue being able to offer the rewarding view of the Wachau.
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Schafbeweidung auf der Perchtoldsdorfer Heide als mögliches Vorbild für die Wachau? @ Welterbegemeinden Wachau

Wachauschaf - Grazing in conformity with nature conservation in the Wachau Valley and the Jauerling Nature Park

The association for the World Heritage Municipalities Wachau, province of Lower Austria/Nature Conservation department and Blühendes Österreich (Blooming Austria) have made it their goal to support an agricultural business in establishing an extensive sheep grazing regime in the Wachau Valley and in the Jauerling-Wachau Nature Park.
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Bauen in Spitz ©Günter Kargl

Wachau Zones: Spitz

Building in a World Heritage site is a topical issue. Historic settlement areas often present difficult challenges for municipalities and owners. With the help of the Wachau Zones, development plans are elaborated which simplify dealing with historic buildings in line with World Heritage requirements.
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Das zentrale Thema Musik verbindet die Gemeinden © Daniela Matejschek

Musikimpuls Dunkelsteinerwald - Kick-off and setup

Preparations for the joint advertising of several municipalities together with Göttweig Abbey for the Provincial Exhibition in 2023 were already on the way when the one-year delay to the event was announced. The opportunity should now be taken to restructure this initiative. The central topic – “Music” – is intended to connect the participating municipalities and reinforce the sense of regional identity. The large collection of musical publications in Göttweig Abbey offers the possibility to do some academical research on the region’s music and allow it to flow into the initiative.
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Einzigartige Kulturlandschaft des Welterbes Wachau © Franz Hauleitner

Start: Raising awareness of the Wachau Cultural Landscape

The Wachau region was inscribed in the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites as a continuing cultural landscape in 2000. Little is known about the value of World Heritage, in particular the “OUV - outstanding universal value”. A major awareness-raising campaign is intended to change this and specifically address the population. The knowledge and importance of the Wachau Cultural Landscape should be imbued in the population as a way of getting everyone to handle this World Heritage site with greater sensitivity.
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